Cowboy Survival Zombie

A game where you are a cowboy in the old west full of zombies.
In this game you can sow, harvest, eat, gather resources, build your shelter and shoot the zombies. A completely destructible world. Your goal will be to survive as many days as possible and kill as many zombies.

How do you play Cowboy Survival Zombie?

← / A = Move left
→ / D = Move right
↑ / W = Jump / Climb ladder
↓ / S = Climb down ladder
Space bar / Shift = Pick up item / Open door / Use well / Use bed
Left mouse click = Shoot / Use item
Right mouse click = Change figure build

Who is the maker of Cowboy Survival Zombie?

Cowboy Survival Zombie is created by Siendemy. check out their other games on Runner Apocalypse .